7 Business Process Automation Examples Every Business Owner Should Try Cover

7 Business Process Automation Examples Every Business Owner Should Try

August 12, 20233 min read

This blog is a part of my Ultimate Guide to Business Process Automation. Check it out for more information.

Over the years, I've navigated the intricate world of Business Process Automation (BPA), and it's transformed how I operate my business and how I serve others. Through trials, errors, and successes, I've discovered some game-changing automation practices that I believe every entrepreneur should have in their toolkit. Let’s dive into these examples and see how they can make a difference for your business.

1. Onboarding/Intake

Every business is unique, and while we all operate differently, there's one constant: onboarding. When a customer buys something like a digital product or a coaching contract, that delivery process should be seamless. I've always said, why manually fulfil every single order when we can automate the delivery of templates or grant access to a course platform? It saves time and ensures customers get what they need without delay.

2. Customer Service Inquiries

One thing I've observed? Repetition. We get the same questions over and over. I've always believed we should have a bank of ready responses for these common inquiries. Whether it's "How do I work with you?" or "Where can I find this?", automation can help us send out those responses quickly. It’s all about efficiency and ensuring clients don’t have to hunt down information.

3. Email Marketing and Reminders

This one's close to my heart. With email marketing, we have the power to set up automated emails for timely follow-ups. Be it someone making a purchase or inquiring about a download, we can offer them more information or remind them about due payments. I also use automated reminders for contracts pending signature or even session bookings. It's all about reducing manual effort.

4. Repetitive Tasks

We all have those pesky tasks that eat into our day. How often are you checking social media metrics or sales data? For me, these tasks, though necessary, can be tedious. That's why I've turned to automation. It takes care of these daily chores, allowing me more time to focus on growth.

5. Feedback and Testimonials

Whenever I wrap up with a client, I think it’s crucial to seek their feedback. Instead of sending a personal email each time, I've set up an automated message, making it easy for them to share their experiences. It's straightforward and reduces that awkwardness of asking for testimonials directly.

6. Scheduling

This one's non-negotiable. If you don't have a calendar scheduler, it's time to get one. I can’t stress enough how much time I've saved by allowing clients to pick their slots based on my availability. No more back-and-forth emails, just a smooth scheduling process.

7. Invoicing

Here’s my perspective on invoicing: it should be automated. Providing clients with options for payments, from ACH to credit card, and ensuring that invoices go out on time without me having to remember? It’s a no-brainer.

To wrap up, I firmly believe automation doesn't impersonalize a business. Instead, it streamlines processes, ensuring consistency and professionalism. Adopting these BPA practices will not only enhance your client's experience but also give you more time to focus on what truly matters. If you have more questions about automation, reach out to me here. Until next time, keep automating!

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Cole Wedemeier

Cole Wedemeier is the CEO + Founder of The Blue Jeans Boss. She's a tech and automation strategist who helps her clients automate the busy work so that they can show up in their business in the way they want to. She loves working with entrepreneurs to create amazing personal experiences for their clients, students, and customers - but also for themselves. She truly believe that systems should be made to fit you, and not you who finds ways to fit the systems you have.

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7 Business Process Automation Examples Every Business Owner Should Try Cover

7 Business Process Automation Examples Every Business Owner Should Try

August 12, 20233 min read

This blog is a part of my Ultimate Guide to Business Process Automation. Check it out for more information.

Over the years, I've navigated the intricate world of Business Process Automation (BPA), and it's transformed how I operate my business and how I serve others. Through trials, errors, and successes, I've discovered some game-changing automation practices that I believe every entrepreneur should have in their toolkit. Let’s dive into these examples and see how they can make a difference for your business.

1. Onboarding/Intake

Every business is unique, and while we all operate differently, there's one constant: onboarding. When a customer buys something like a digital product or a coaching contract, that delivery process should be seamless. I've always said, why manually fulfil every single order when we can automate the delivery of templates or grant access to a course platform? It saves time and ensures customers get what they need without delay.

2. Customer Service Inquiries

One thing I've observed? Repetition. We get the same questions over and over. I've always believed we should have a bank of ready responses for these common inquiries. Whether it's "How do I work with you?" or "Where can I find this?", automation can help us send out those responses quickly. It’s all about efficiency and ensuring clients don’t have to hunt down information.

3. Email Marketing and Reminders

This one's close to my heart. With email marketing, we have the power to set up automated emails for timely follow-ups. Be it someone making a purchase or inquiring about a download, we can offer them more information or remind them about due payments. I also use automated reminders for contracts pending signature or even session bookings. It's all about reducing manual effort.

4. Repetitive Tasks

We all have those pesky tasks that eat into our day. How often are you checking social media metrics or sales data? For me, these tasks, though necessary, can be tedious. That's why I've turned to automation. It takes care of these daily chores, allowing me more time to focus on growth.

5. Feedback and Testimonials

Whenever I wrap up with a client, I think it’s crucial to seek their feedback. Instead of sending a personal email each time, I've set up an automated message, making it easy for them to share their experiences. It's straightforward and reduces that awkwardness of asking for testimonials directly.

6. Scheduling

This one's non-negotiable. If you don't have a calendar scheduler, it's time to get one. I can’t stress enough how much time I've saved by allowing clients to pick their slots based on my availability. No more back-and-forth emails, just a smooth scheduling process.

7. Invoicing

Here’s my perspective on invoicing: it should be automated. Providing clients with options for payments, from ACH to credit card, and ensuring that invoices go out on time without me having to remember? It’s a no-brainer.

To wrap up, I firmly believe automation doesn't impersonalize a business. Instead, it streamlines processes, ensuring consistency and professionalism. Adopting these BPA practices will not only enhance your client's experience but also give you more time to focus on what truly matters. If you have more questions about automation, reach out to me here. Until next time, keep automating!

blog author image

Cole Wedemeier

Cole Wedemeier is the CEO + Founder of The Blue Jeans Boss. She's a tech and automation strategist who helps her clients automate the busy work so that they can show up in their business in the way they want to. She loves working with entrepreneurs to create amazing personal experiences for their clients, students, and customers - but also for themselves. She truly believe that systems should be made to fit you, and not you who finds ways to fit the systems you have.

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